First, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has served in the military. My husband spent 7+ years in the service (4 deployments and countless trips) and I am thankful to everyone else who has served (and is still serving).
Today, I have a welcomed day off of work (whoo-hoo!). It is gorgeous outside and I decided to share some of my newest finds...
Well, Goodwill had their half off sale this past Saturday. I went in with the goal of finding a new wreath for the front door and any goodies for holiday gifts. Here is what I found:
1. A wreath! It is a little different than what I was looking for, but I liked that it looks a bit rustic.
It still has a 24.99 price tag from Joannes. It was 2.99 (or 1.50 half off).
I weaved in a bit of the berries I found at the Salvation Army recently- what do you think? Not bad to me for under 3.00!
2. An enormous gallon ziplock bag of assorted fruits. 1.99 (or 1.00 half off). I think I am going to use it for filler in vases around the house unless I find another idea online.
3. A big birdhouse!!! I really don't like birds (if I am being honest), but I love seeing everyone's birdhouses on the interwebs :) 2.99 (or 1.50 half off!) A group of women had scouted out the store the night before and had made a pile of things they had wanted... this (along with the fruit) were on their list I guess. They kept making comments about people snatching up things. Sorry, I was there first (and didn't snatch, just put it in my cart). Some people!
Already have a coat of brown on it today (come on, what in my house doesn't have a coat of brown on it right now...).
Found this huge planter 1.99 (or 1.00 half off). I have a huge plant at school that has outgrown its home. Hoping to get it replanted soon.
Also bought these two goodies for holiday gifts- .99 each (or .50 half off).
Here is the green container I was talking about last week. Have it holding my kitchen utensils for now...
Last, but not least- a few coupon deals :) Kroger was having its mega sale last week. I ended up getting $130 worth of items (after sale prices) for $30.00. The best buy was the Snuggle for free after $3.00 coupons and the gloves for free after $1.00 coupons.
Food Lion also had their dryer sheets on sale for 2.99. Free after the 3.00 coupons (well, besides taxes...). The cashier really really really wanted to find something wrong with the deal- but couldn't :) She kept looking at the coupons, then looking at the total, then looking at the dryer sheets, then looking back at the coupons again.
So, that is all for now. Have a few other things to share in the near future. Have a great day!